Practice Area:

International Private and Public Law, Intellectual Property Law, Family Law, Corporate, Social Secure Issues.


Mr. Campillo is a well-known and respected attorney and Notary of the Dominican Republic. She has been in the Firm for more than 27 years. Mrs.Campillo became a partner in 1991.

She participates in following areas of practice: International Private and Public Law, Intellectual Property Law, Family Law, Corporate, Social Security Issues.

Mrs. Campillo has written extensively in the areas of intellectual and Industrial Property, Family law and women rights. Some of her publications are: “Law of Treaties and annotated index of the collection of treaties in the Dominican Republic.”; “Legal foundations of international trade”; “Political rights of women.”; “Adoption in the Dominican Republic.”; “Industrial Property”, among others.

She is the coordinator of RVHB programs of continuing education that includes our Annual Labor Seminar and our monthly Juridical Colloquy, where we discuss diverse matters of interest for the legal community.

Former Legal Counsel to the Dominican Ministry of Foreign Relations, 1962-1983.

Professor of International Law, Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, since 1975.


Universidad de Santo Domingo (JD, 1962)

Universidad de Madrid, Spain (Economic Development Courses, 1968)

United Nations Office in Genova (International Law Courses, 1972)

Academia Diplomática Andrés Bello, Chile, 1975

Universidad de Rio de Janeiro, 1977 (International Law Courses)


Dominican Bar Association (1966)

Inter-American Bar Association (IABA)

Dominican Association of Business Lawyer,

National Association of Women Lawyers,

Notaries Bar Association.


Índice Anotado de la Colección de Tratados de la República Dominicana, 1984.

Los Signos Distintivos. Las Marcas de Fábrica.

¿Cómo combatir la piratería intelectual? FINJUS, 1998.

Derecho de los Tratados e Índice Anotado de la Colección de Tratados de la República Dominicana, 1999.


English, Spanish and French.

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