La Federación Interamericana de Abogados está colaborando con UIA, ABA SIL, AIJA HRC, junto con La sociedad de Abogados de Inglaterra y Gales, la Barra de París, y otros colegios de abogados para organizar una Maratón Web de 24 horas para abordar los desafíos del Estado de derecho en todo el mundo.
El Estado de derecho es esencial para la sociedad. Resguarda los Derechos Humanos, contribuye a las oportunidades económicas, asegura el desarrollo sostenible y protege los derechos fundamentales.
Habrá 12 paneles sobre Estado de Derecho con transmisión en vivo desde un canal de YouTube.
La Federación Interamericana de Abogados participará en el maratón web en un panel de distinguidos juristas sobre “Estado de Derecho y Democracia: Desafíos de los Sistemas Frágiles en las Américas”
Descripción: Este panel reflejará el impacto de la actual pandemia sobre el Estado de derecho y la democracia en las Américas. También analizará los desafíos que presenta la pandemia y los retos post pandemia para sistemas frágiles, así como los riesgos para el Estado de derecho, la estabilidad política y el desarrollo sostenible
Puede acceder a los otros eventos a través del enlace a YouTube que encontrará en el programa general.
The Inter-American Bar Association is collaborating with UIA, ABA SIL, AIJA HRC, along with The Law Society of England and Wales, the Paris Bar, and other bar associations to organize a 24-hour webathon dedicated to addressing the challenges to the Rule of Law worldwide.
The Rule of Law is the fabric of society. It safeguards human rights, contributes to economic opportunities, ensures sustainable development and protects fundamental freedoms.
There will be 12 rule of law panels from across the globe streamed live from a YouTube channel.
The Inter-American Bar Association will participate in the webathon with a panel of distinguished jurists on “Rule of Law and Democracy: Challenges of Fragile Systems in the Americas.”
Description: This panel will reflect on the impact of the current pandemic on the rule of law and democracy in the Americas. It will also analyze the current and post pandemic challenges of fragile systems, as well as the risks to the rule of law, political stability, and sustainable development.
Access the other panels through the YouTube link that you will find in the general program.
The Rule of Law is not merely the stock and trade of lawyers. It is our core value, the fulcrum of our profession and the polestar of our activity. It is the social fabric that ensures human rights, democratic principles, economic opportunity, social development, and the fundamental freedoms we all recognise as self-evident. And with the world now facing unprecedented challenges, lawyers remain the first line of defence against efforts to undermine, circumscribe, or defeat the Rule of Law. To underscore the critical importance of that mission and the strong commitment shared by lawyers around the world, we have chosen to come together in an extraordinary way.
Three of the world’s major international lawyers associations: AIJA HRC (International Association of Young Lawyers – Human Rights Committee), UIA IROL (Union Internationale des Avocats – Institute for the Rule of Law), and ABA-SIL (American Bar Association – Section of International Law) have joined forces to launch the first 24-hour Webathon in defence of the Rule of Law.
We are proud to present a continuous series of two-hour panel discussions that will move like the sun across the planet, spanning continents and time zones.
Each panel will address a different aspect of the challenges faced by the Rule of Law and will be hosted by a leading bar or international law association, including: the Law Society of England and Wales, the Barcelona Bar Association, Barra Mexicana de Abogados, the Inter-American Bar Association, the American Bar Association, the California Bar Association, the Law Council of Australia, LAWASIA, the NUPL (Philippines), the Society of Indian Law Firms, the Bar Association of India, the Deutscher Anwaltverein, the Warsaw Bar and the Paris Bar.